Sunday, May 28, 2017

White roses made with homemade fondant


I have had rough days nec of my back pain,  but still I habe done some things.

One thing is making fobdant roses.

And yeah..they are almost like real ones.
Love them

Monday, May 22, 2017

Fondant and roses


Few days have been really sunny and warm, so I have been outside and enjoyed being at home in my big yard.

Today it's a bit rainy, so I made some colourful flowers with sugarmasse

I found it from home, so they are old and rickstone...but I woke them up, at least tried..the texture isnot very goid,but it's  goid enough for playing..

If I get some more time I will make anew fobdant from marshmallows. So let's wait and see what comes out

Stay happy,  stay simple!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Emadepäev/ Mother's Day 2017


Today Is Mother's day and I made my own cake for my mum and mums all over the world.

If you don't talk about it with passion in your eyes, you are doing something wrong.
YOUR soul is somewhere else, waiting you to find it!


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Blackcurrant kissell with whipped cream

Good morning.

Today I'm going to show you super and tasty dessert what to make for family.

- Blackcurrant kissell with whipped

It's supereasy to make and it's not overly sweet, but you can season it like u want.

So, I try to give you a recipe, because as usual, I made it by heart.

Ingredients you will need:
Blackcurrants or any other frozen ir frrsh berries, fruits, or homemade jam - 0.3-0.4 kg
Water- 1l
Sugar 0.150 kg, taste!
Starch 2,5 tablespoons mixed with 1/2 cup of water


Mix your washed berries with water and sugar,
Heat to boil.
While stirring, add your starch, stir-stir at the same time!!!
Heat until boiling

voilaaa, it's ready.

Let it cool before you add whipped cream on top.

Smile to your enemies, it's the greatest weapon!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Fluffy Strawberry marshmallows


I have tested lately a lot and this time I did Strawberry flavoured marshmallows.
To be honest I tried making zephyr for the first time,but I realized that this technique needs right ingredients. SO IF the recipe telling you to take agar agar instead of zelatin, then there is a strong reason.

Anyway I got marshmallows which still tastes good and tomorrow I will put them into sale at the café.

I love cooking and creating, so I am not sad at all that things didn't work out, hehe.

Keep it up and love what you do!

Your  passionate confectioner,

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Caramel Pound cake


I start my blog with  my last homemade good which is Pound cake with caramel sauce.
All is done from scratch and with passion.

Usually I use old family recipes to give them new meaning in nowadays life. SO many good recipes are forgotten just  because the World can offer for us new tastes and technologies, but in my opinion so many "ancient" goods are still wonderful.
They are worth to show them to you and if I have time I will give also some recipes. Defenetely some are too specific and special that I keep them ;)

I am sorry if my pictures are not very good :)

So, I think you all might want to try  making this Pund cake, so I give you that recipe.
Also I  have been thinking a lot about sugar art and making spun sugar, Pulled sugar and blown sugar, but right now I do not have  big  kitchen, so I step back a bit and do just easier sugar art with homy tools.

For the Pound cake you will need: 

1 bread mold.

4 eggs( medium ones)
Granulated sugar  0.24( kg)
Butter ( 82% or even better) 0.24 
Flour 0.32

Vanilla for adding extra taste 0,015 (1 tbl sp).


Whip  butter until its fluffy, add flour with vanilla powder, stir.

In another bowl beat eggs with sugar until airy and fluffy too.

Add egg mixture to the butter-flour mixture, stir together and put it into a mold.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
The crack is must be, so If you see that your cake is cracking on top, then you have done right job, now just wait until its cooked and have  brown topping. :)

As I love cooking, I love also testing. So I made this caramel sauce with intuiton, so I can't give you any recipe, because  I did not measured..I trusted my eyes and heart :)

but the proportions between every ingredient are: 
Sugar-water-double cream-butter

for sugar decorations melt 4  tablespoons of granulated sugar in thick saucepan at the low temperature until its melted and have light brown to brown colouring.  do not burn!!!

BE very careful because Sugar is extremely hot!!

Have fun  and keep your eye on my blog.

Every day is a new day with new chances to take!

2017 Uusavastus/ Coming back

Muudan oma blogi rahvusvaheliseks ning loodan, et sellega seoses lisandub mu jälgijate hulka veelgi rohkem huvitujaid ning kaasaelajaid.
Kuna elus on vahepeal tomunud nii mõndagi uut ja samas ka põnevat, siis olen otsustanud hakata blogi tihemini ja paremini ülal pidama.

Kõik just seetõttu, et olen nüüdseks lõpetanud Tallinna Erateeninduskoolis pagar-kondiitri eriala 
ja kodukohvik MTÜ Mäe-Koda, mis asub Riidajas Valgamaal, on kenasti end sisse seadnud.
Meil täitub 20. mail 1.aasta avamisest.

Usun, et uued kogemused ja kontaktid mööda külge alla ei jookse.

I switched my blog language from Estonian to English to find more followers and useful contacts from all around the World.
My Purpose  here is to show you, guys, that I am talented and also ideas to start doing my own thing publicly some day. 

I have attended and graduated now pastry/confectionery school in Tallinn. 

For now We have with my mum a homecafe called MTÜ Mäe-Koda which is located in Riidaja, Valga Parish, Estonia

Hope you enjoy my newcoming!