Monday, June 26, 2017

Britta cake/Britta kook


Sorry I haven't made a post, but I have been really busy with midsummer holiday and just simply being with family at home

Today I have little time, so I  show you meringue recipe and  how our Britta cake looks like.
It's simple and super yummy for sugarteeth. ;)

Also I made Pavlova for the first time i my life and for parent's 25th anniversary. That's really sweeet cake, but mum loved it.

here is the Meringue recipe: 

U need for making big oven pan-sized plate ( about 30x40 cm)
oven on 160 degrees.

5 eggwhites( at room temperature)
17 table spoons of white granulated sugar- about 215 grams.
0,5 teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon of starch
1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar for  flavouring.


Beat eggwhites  a little, add salt,
 beat more until you seee bubbbling.
now add sugar one by one until all is done..keep beating eggwhites until hard tipped point. / turn the bowl on top of your head lol.

now add carefully  and stirring with love starch and flavouring. 
place it on the oven pan which has the baking paper on.

place it in the oven and right away lower the heat to the 110 degrees. set a timer on 1h and 25 minutes.

now just wait.

Meanwhile you could touch it to see if it has started harden or not.
in the end its hard on top and a bit chewy on inside.

with that same recipe you could make a Pavlova cake base too :)

Pavlova with whipped cream and strawberry sea and fondant rose.

Britta cake with raspberry flavoured whipped cream and strawberry slices.

 You could find these cakes and much more from our homecafe MTÜ Mäe-Koda, Riidaja 1,Estonia.

Every day is a new day, so stop worrying about the yesterday.
